There is a lady who made a lot of money selling a book called 14,000 Things To Be Happy About. In college she started keeping a notebook of random things that made her smile and it grew into fourteen thousand things so she made it into a book. It sounds like something that would make me mad because it's so obvious, but I actually like the book. Every other item in the list is some form of pancake. The lady really likes pancakes.
I have way more than fourteen thousand things. I have five hundred thousand million things to be happy about. I wish I thought of the idea first because my book would be the size of a set of encyclopedias. Starting with:
1. The back of my daughter's neck. Look at that photo and tell me that isn't a pretty neck.
2. Dragon Football. I might have become a public high school teacher solely because of the show Friday Night Lights. I say might.
3. Summer mornings. There's a bunch of beautiful old people walking around at 6 in the morning in the summers.
4. Old houses. Pointy roofed ones with a burgundy Prius parked in the front are the best. It's like hipster Snow White lives there.
5. Magazine subscriptions and Netflix. Anytime you get something good in the mail it cheers you up.
6. A long, free morning and a lofty writing goal. A perfect summer day.
What makes you happy?
you do.